My day job met my endurance sport passion last year. During my first Run Across America attempt I had an idea about using cell technology to better serve runners! Since then, I have been working in my spare time with a talented group of people to develop a website and mobile application called
How many times....
Have you run a race and had your friends or family miss you as you passed them on the course because they did not know where you were? One meticulously colored poster board saying "GO DAD, 26.2" has just gone to waste!
Have you raced with a group of friends and gotten separated on the course and had no way to locate them easily? "Bob stopped to tie his shoe, said to keep running and that was the last time I saw him."
Would you have given the race a little extra had you known your best racing buddy competitor was only 300 yards ahead of you? "I had to buy Heather an IPA because we had a friendly little bet that I could beat her this year!!! If I had only known she finished 20 seconds ahead of me. I would not have walked that last water station!"
Would you have given the race a little extra had you known your best racing buddy competitor was only 300 yards ahead of you? "I had to buy Heather an IPA because we had a friendly little bet that I could beat her this year!!! If I had only known she finished 20 seconds ahead of me. I would not have walked that last water station!"
Would you like to play back your race step by step and compare your performance against your last year's race or your friends run?
Have you wished there was a place to go to get advice on particular race courses from others who have raced the course? "Is Heartbreak Hill really as bad as they say?"
Wished you could see your position on a moving map during a race compared to a pace bunny? "I want to finish at 4:00, the bunny is starting to pull away....I better pick up the pace!"
Wished there was a way you could see how your relay team mates are progressing through the course so that you know when to get your game on?
That is what we attempted to get done with and a companion iPhone/Android phone application!
We are about 48 days away from releasing the beta. My plan is to sponsor a few racers as guinea pigs for a few months as well as work with a few race directors to load it up for free for anyone running the race.

The site is looking great and the finishing touches are being applied to the Mobile side.
Wished you could see your position on a moving map during a race compared to a pace bunny? "I want to finish at 4:00, the bunny is starting to pull away....I better pick up the pace!"
Wished there was a way you could see how your relay team mates are progressing through the course so that you know when to get your game on?
That is what we attempted to get done with and a companion iPhone/Android phone application!
We are about 48 days away from releasing the beta. My plan is to sponsor a few racers as guinea pigs for a few months as well as work with a few race directors to load it up for free for anyone running the race.
The site is looking great and the finishing touches are being applied to the Mobile side.
You can sign up for more information or be a beta user here.
To all of my friends, you can have it as soon as I get it to test out!!!
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