The support team that will be helping me in a variety of ways is taking shape.
The more planning I do for this adventure, the more I realize that my success will depend on the kindness and hard work of others. All I have to do is run...the orbit around the run is where the real work will take place.
To that end, I would like to introduce and thank John Garcia for joining the team. I keep a list of the coolest people I have met in my life and John ranks at the top. John and I met through his wife (a wonderful lady herself) in a past work life. He has a lot of experience in PR, writing and almost anything else you can think of. He is one of nicest people you will ever meet.
John has graciously agreed to help me on a couple of tasks. First, as this adventure warms up and I need help with media, press releases etc. John will apply his writing and speech skills to the task. An insane guy running across the country and through downtown East Wherearewe is likely news.
John will also help me during the run by posting blogs here from time to time as I make my journey. I am guessing at about mile 600 my brain will be sufficiently numbed that posting might not be all that smart. So, John will have the keys to the blog during this adventure.
Thanks again John!
32 miles covered today. It was a rainy foggy soup here in the bay. 4:20 minutes. I felt good!
Pardon the dust as I clean up and expand the site. Though the tools Google offers are pretty easy, I am learning! If there are other things you would like to see here, shoot me a line! E