Thursday, November 18, 2010

A couple of odds and ends...

First, I want to plug again the charity that I am running to raise money for.  Freedom is Not Free is a 501c3 that raises money for grants to Purple Heart recipients.  Likely candidates are Veterans injured most recently in Iraq and Afghanistan.  They are a small, but effective, fund raising group that has granted nearly $1,000,000 to injured Veterans or families of fatally injured Vets.  I am trying to raise $25,000 for them by selling miles of my journey to donors.   I don't have an exact number of money raised so far (getting it!), but we are getting close to $1,800 in actuals and pledges (Thank you!) by my best estimate.  If you want to claim a few miles please donate here.  DONATE    Find my name and click!  100% of the money is going straight to FINF! 

Secondly, I got my shipment of shirts from Alone and Unafraid

I have to say, I was pretty happy with them!  My awesome wife snarfed one of the shirts away from me before I even was able to get it out of the plastic wrapper.  Then asked why I did not order one for her?  (Sigh...Women!)  This one I managed to save from her clothing hungry little fingers....pretty cool.   AAU is run by a few ex-Marines and they donate money from each sale to Veteran's causes.  They are also big supporters of endurance knuckleheads like me and will be producing the Coast to Coast 50/50 t-shirts.  Laura J. the wife of a co-worker is helping me with some design ideas.  Shoot me a line (if you have not already) or comment below if you would be interested in one...details coming!  Thanks AT!  Thanks LJ!

I was able to snag another volunteer to help with some behind the scenes work!  Kristin Jiles, of eSearchPro, has graciously offered to help with some media logistics for me/John Garcia.  She is a great sales and tech recruiter and is using her gift of gab to help in the media area for me.  Thanks KJ!   

Training is going great.  A half marathon before work this morning.   Yawn.....

Have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Ed, I'm definitely interested in a shirt. Let me know once you have the details.


